Thursday 4 December 2014

Walk 1 - Work Diary

In this session we had went on a walk around Harlow to photograph 3 different things; autumn colours, the sense of journey and back of heads. I mostly found this task very easy because the things we had to photograph were everywhere, although I did struggle slightly with the sense of journey because it was hard to capture a photograph where it looked like you were travelling. Overall I found this task easy although when we go on walk two I need to take more photographs of the back of peoples heads.

This is one of my favorite photographs that I took on the walk, the theme of this photograph is autumn colours. I like this photograph because of the range of complimentary colours which show of the theme of autumn colours. I also like the composition because it is slightly off-center which shows of enough of the background. Form is also shown in this image through the use of shadows. which give it a 3d effect.

 In this photograph, the theme was the sense of journey. I think I showed this very well because of the use of the lampost whilst you can still some autumn colours. The composition in this photograph is done very well because it uses the rule of thirds. Also the fact you can see both the sky and the trees makes tho photograph look better because of the contrast of colours.

Overall, if I were to shoot this walk again I would have photographed more back of heads and sense of journey because most of my photographs had the theme of autumn colours. These photographs have influenced me for the theme of back of head and sense of journey:

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