Monday 8 December 2014

Robert Mapplethorpe Studio - Work Diary

In this session we had to go into the studio and shoot photographs with the influence of Mapplethorpe. I  enjoyed this shoot because it was fun and quite easy to shoot although it was quite hard to come up with ideas to show off Mapplethorpe's work. To show off the theme of Mapplethorpe, I edited the images to be black and white and when photographing  I shot only half of the subjects face but still completely filled the canvas.

This is one of my favourite photographs because it represents Mapplethorpe's photography very well because of the black and white colour and the off-center composition. If I were to improve this photograph I would change the background colour to white as I believe it would make the picture look less dark and gloomy.

I like this photograph because it represents the work of Mapplethorpe very well. This is because of the black and white colours and the composition of the image. I also enjoy the use of pattern in this image, they are shown through the items in the subjects clothing, the different patterns in this photograph bring attention to the image as a whole. If I were to improve this photograph I would again change the background to make the image less dark.

Overall, to improve this shoot I would have used more props if I had them to properly show off Mapplethorpe's work. I would also experiment with different backgrounds as Mapplethorpe didn't always use a blank background and I believe using different backgrounds would ensure my work to reflect Mapplethorpe's work more. This are some photographs that influenced me:

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