Tuesday 2 December 2014

Connecting Essay 2

This is an image I found on the internet by a photographer called Teresa Zafon. I like this image because of the diagonal composition which draws the viewers focus to lead up the stairs. This image has many formal elements such as lines, depth and form. The shadows in this image create a 3d effect. The use of lines in the photograph is very creative because they are diagonal, which draws attention to the photograph.

This is a photograph I took myself. I really like this photograph because it has many formal elements in it. Lines are used very well in this image because there are both horizontal and diagonal lines which draw the viewers attention to the image. Also, the formal element of form is used in this photograph through the use of shadows which give the picture a 3d effect to it.

These two pictures are quite similar because they both use basically the same formal elements such as line and depth. I prefer the photograph that I took because of the composition of the diagonals used, although the composition in the other photograph is good, the image that I took looks more realistic and 3d. Furthermore in the photograph I took, space was used up more which looks better than a large space of white background.

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