Tuesday 2 December 2014

Contrast - Definition

Dictionary Definition - To compare in order to show unlikeness or differences; note the opposite natures, purposes, etc. 

  • Black & White
  • Opposite
  • Variation
  • Juxtapose
  • Different

Contrast is shown in this photograph through dividing the image in to two halves were by one half is grass and the other is dirt. There are many different contrasts in this photograph including colour and texture contrasts. 

Contrast is shown in this photograph through the use of colour. The bright and bold contrast in colours give this image a dynamic look. Although this image is not tidy, the contrast and the way the subject can be seen in everyday life makes this images very effective.

In this photograph, contrast is shown through black and white backgrounds, with glasses put in front of them. This image shows contrast very well because the background of black and white are opposites of each other and possibly the best contrast there is. Some formal elements are used in the photograph as well such as form and tone which gives the photograph a 3d effect.

Contrast is shown in this photograph through a number of ways such as in height and also the contrast in colours. The background of this image is very boring and mundane which contrasts which the bright bold colour that the children are wearing, Furthermore, there is a contrast between the short girl and the taller group of children which divides the photograph in to two and exaggerates the idea of contrast. Formal elements such as colour and lines are used in the image to direct the viewers eyes 
to the focal points of the image.

My Definition: Contrast is when two opposites are placed next to each other.

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