Thursday 4 December 2014

Location Contrast 2 - Work Diary

In this session we had to go around college and photograph contrast. I believe that I improved my photographs from the last location contrast shoot because I tried to use different composition and I had different ideas about things that could contrast. Although if I could improve this shoot I would have taken more photographs.

I like this photo because it shows contrast between the black shoes and the dull bench. The composition is done well in this photograph as it is using the rule of thirds which gives this image a dramatic effect. If I were to improve this image I would zoom out a bit because the subject of this image looks a bit cramped.

I like this photograph because it shows contrast between the path and the bright green grass. The composition is done well as the picture is split into two section which makes is look dynamic.  If I were to improve this photograph I would ensure that the grass is fuller, and the lines on the path are straighter.

Overall, if I were to improve this shoot I would would make the contrasts in the photography more obvious. I would also try and experiment with other ways to portray contrast as we were limited to thigs around college. Furthermore, I would also try to incorporate more colour into my contrast images because I believe that the use of brighter and bolder colours is a good way to show contrast. I took these photographs for inspiration:

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