Thursday 4 December 2014

Studio Contrast 1 - Work Diary

In this session we got to go into the studio and photograph contrast. I found this task quite difficult as it was hard to think of ways people could contrast each other. Other than that, I found this shoot quite enjoyable because I enjoy going in the studio as it feels more professional. If I were to improve this sheet I would try and come up with more ideas of how to show contrast through people.

I like this photograph because it shows contrast in many different ways such as height, skin colour and the clothes they are wearing. I like the composition in this image because it is central and therefore shows off the focal point of the photograph. If I were to improve this image I would change the background because it clashes with the subjects.

 This is my favourite image from this shoot because it shows of contrast in many different ways such as height, gender and the colour of clothing. The composition of this image is done well because it is central and draws the viewers attention to the focal point of the image. The background colour compliments the subjects of the photograph which makes the image more pleasing to the eye.

Overall, to improve this shoot I would try and make the contrasts more obvious by using props or something. Also I would improve the sharpness of these images because they're slightly blurry. These are some photographs that influenced me:

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