Tuesday 2 December 2014

Multiple Imagery - Image Bank

Multiple Imagery can be done in a number of way as shown in the photographs above, such as many images put next to each other in a square or putting to images on top of each other. Multiple Imagery can be used to show of a subject from different angles and it can also be used to show movement. It is an effective way to edit a photograph because it is simplistic yet unique.
Multiple imagery can be done in many ways as you can see from this image, it is done by using the same photographs but cropping some parts and putting them onto the original image.

Multiple imagery can also be done by putting loads of images together and making a new picture.

This image is done by taking two photographs and putting them on top of each other, this is another creative way to do multiple imagery.

The easiest way to do multiple imagery is to take similar pictures and putting them next to each other. Although this is the simplest  way, it can look very effective.

Multiple imagery can also be done by taking similar photographs and then overlapping them, this creates a sense of movement.

Furthermore, another way to do multiple imagery is to take the outline of one photograph and then fill it with a completely different one, this is a very effective way to photograph.

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