Tuesday 2 December 2014

Research Log - Charlie Waite

I chose Charlie Waite's Photography because he used a wide variety of formal elements in his work, from colour to lines to tone. I really enjoy his photography because it is very colourful and bright.  Waite's uses a lot of pattern and shape in his photograph which makes his photography stand out among the rest.

I like this photograph a lot because of the way lines and colour are used. The converging lines that lead up to the focal point makes this image have a unique look to it. The complimentary colours in this photograph makes it pleasant to look at and the use of colours makes the image very pretty and colourful.

I bold orange colours in this image, makes it stand out. The rule of thirds composition give the image a more dynamic effect. Although there is a lot going on in this photograph, it doesn't look messy, this is because of the similar colours used and the patterns in the image are shown in layers.

This is probably my least favorite photograph because of the dull colours used, although the composition is very good as depth is used to show the entire subject of the image. I like the way the image is split in to two section; the sky and the field. 

In this photograph the colours make it stand out as the pretty, delicate colours draw the viewers attention to the image. Formal elements such as depth and reflection are used in this image. 

His photography influences me because of the range of formal elements he uses without ruining the images.

Overall, I really enjoy Charlie Waite's photography because of all the formal elements used and the photographs he captures are very artistic.

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