Thursday 11 December 2014

Multiple Imagery - Work Diary

In this session we had to walk around college and shoot multiple imagery. Multiple imagery is when you take multiple photographs of similar things and create a compilation of them. I found this task quite easy because it was very enjoyable and fun to shoot. 

This is one of my favourite photographs because it is original and quirky. The lighting is done well well because it is natural lighting and therefore is already bright before editing. The composition of each individual photograph is central which works best because of how the images are put together. If I were to improve this image I would vary the background of each image so there are more interesting backgrounds.

I ike this photograph because of the colours. The autumn dark colours look good in this photograph because all the colours compliment each other. There is not really a specific composition in each individual image which looks good because it shows nature at its finest. If I could improve this image I would replace some of the individual photographs.

If I were to improve my multiple imagery shoot I would experiment with photographing more interesting things, I would also like to try and do multiple imagery with people because I think that would work very well. After I shot multiple imagery I researched some other images which has influenced me to improve my work. These are some multiple imagery photographs that influenced me:

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