Thursday 4 December 2014

Studio Contrast 2 - Work Diary

In this session we got to go into the studio and shoot contrast for the second time. I believe I improved on this shoot because I used a better background and also came up with new ideas how to show contrast. 

I like this photograph because it shows contrast through hair colour. The composition is done well because it is central which shows off the focal point of the image. The lighting in this photograph makes this picture look more dramatic and dynamic. If I were to improve this photograph, I would make the hair of the subject on the left get shown off more.

This is my favourite photograph of this shoot because it is quirky and unique. The composition of the photograph is also central which shows off the subjects better. The lighting is also good in this image and it is bright and dynamic. 

Overall, to improve this shoot I would have experimented with the coloured background more to make my work different. Furthermore, I would also try and experiment with more ideas of how to show contrast to make my photography work more interesting. These are some photographs that influenced me:

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