Thursday 18 December 2014

Connecting Essay 3

 This is a photograph that I found on the internet. I like this photograph because of how simple yet artistic it is. Natural elements such as lines and colour are used in this photograph. The use of lines in this image makes it stand out because it directs the viewers eyes towards the subjects of the photographs, in this case, it would be the books.                                                                                                                                     

This is a photograph I took myself, I like this photograph because of the bright colours contrasted with the black and white in the photographs because it make the photograph stand out. The use of lines in this photograph direct the viewers eyes towards the focal points in this image. If I were to improve this photograph I would make sure that there was no reflection off the books.

These photographs are quite similar because of the use of colour and lines, as they both use bright colours and vertical lines. The composition is also very similar because of how the books are very central in the photographs. I prefer my photograph because of the bright colours although I do believe the other image is very good.

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