Thursday 18 December 2014

Connecting Essay 3

 This is a photograph that I found on the internet. I like this photograph because of how simple yet artistic it is. Natural elements such as lines and colour are used in this photograph. The use of lines in this image makes it stand out because it directs the viewers eyes towards the subjects of the photographs, in this case, it would be the books.                                                                                                                                     

This is a photograph I took myself, I like this photograph because of the bright colours contrasted with the black and white in the photographs because it make the photograph stand out. The use of lines in this photograph direct the viewers eyes towards the focal points in this image. If I were to improve this photograph I would make sure that there was no reflection off the books.

These photographs are quite similar because of the use of colour and lines, as they both use bright colours and vertical lines. The composition is also very similar because of how the books are very central in the photographs. I prefer my photograph because of the bright colours although I do believe the other image is very good.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Pre-Completion Evaluation

Since I've written my mid-project evaluation, my opinion of photography has not changed much. I still really enjoy the lesson and learning about photographers and how to improve my work.
My favourite part of this topic so far has been shooting Mapplethorpe as we got to use the studio and experiment with different backgrounds and lighting.
My least favourite part so far is still writing on the blog because it is very hiring and repetitive.
To improve my photography I would again try and get my work on time instead of leaving it until last minute, although my timing has improved slightly. It is also difficult because I missed some lessons and had to catch up with the work.
As it is winter, photographing outside is less enjoyable, therefore I rush some of my shoots and not do it to the best of my ability but I know it will improve when the weather gets better. 
Another aspect of photography that I enjoy is when we get to experiment with editing on photoshop because it help improve the photographs we take and lets us practise with using photoshop, although it would be helpful if I had access to photoshop at home.
Overall, I do really enjoy photography as it help my improve my skills in actually shooting photographs and also editing images.

Multiple Imagery - Work Diary

In this session we had to walk around college and shoot multiple imagery. Multiple imagery is when you take multiple photographs of similar things and create a compilation of them. I found this task quite easy because it was very enjoyable and fun to shoot. 

This is one of my favourite photographs because it is original and quirky. The lighting is done well well because it is natural lighting and therefore is already bright before editing. The composition of each individual photograph is central which works best because of how the images are put together. If I were to improve this image I would vary the background of each image so there are more interesting backgrounds.

I ike this photograph because of the colours. The autumn dark colours look good in this photograph because all the colours compliment each other. There is not really a specific composition in each individual image which looks good because it shows nature at its finest. If I could improve this image I would replace some of the individual photographs.

If I were to improve my multiple imagery shoot I would experiment with photographing more interesting things, I would also like to try and do multiple imagery with people because I think that would work very well. After I shot multiple imagery I researched some other images which has influenced me to improve my work. These are some multiple imagery photographs that influenced me:

Monday 8 December 2014

40 Best Photographs

Robert Mapplethorpe Video Notes

  • American photographer
  • Black and white photography
  • Born in 1946
  • Born in New York
  • Brought up Catholic
  • Mainly sold his portraits to the rich
  • He took many self portraits
  • His work has been described as 'pornography'
  • He died from AIDS in 1989
  • Lived with Patti Smith
  • Took photographs of flowers for money
  • His photography was of his life
  • Work was very controversial 
  • Went to Pratt Institution in Brooklyn
  • His portraits were sometimes used on album covers

Robert Mapplethorpe Studio - Work Diary

In this session we had to go into the studio and shoot photographs with the influence of Mapplethorpe. I  enjoyed this shoot because it was fun and quite easy to shoot although it was quite hard to come up with ideas to show off Mapplethorpe's work. To show off the theme of Mapplethorpe, I edited the images to be black and white and when photographing  I shot only half of the subjects face but still completely filled the canvas.

This is one of my favourite photographs because it represents Mapplethorpe's photography very well because of the black and white colour and the off-center composition. If I were to improve this photograph I would change the background colour to white as I believe it would make the picture look less dark and gloomy.

I like this photograph because it represents the work of Mapplethorpe very well. This is because of the black and white colours and the composition of the image. I also enjoy the use of pattern in this image, they are shown through the items in the subjects clothing, the different patterns in this photograph bring attention to the image as a whole. If I were to improve this photograph I would again change the background to make the image less dark.

Overall, to improve this shoot I would have used more props if I had them to properly show off Mapplethorpe's work. I would also experiment with different backgrounds as Mapplethorpe didn't always use a blank background and I believe using different backgrounds would ensure my work to reflect Mapplethorpe's work more. This are some photographs that influenced me:

Robert Mapplethorpe Location - Work Diary

In this session we had to go around the college and recreate the photography of Robert Mapplethorpe. I found this task quite difficult because Mapplethorpe didn't really shoot outside therefore it was hard to properly recreate his work. I did enjoy this shoot though because it was the most fun and interesting location shoot we have done.

This is one of my favourite photographs I took because I shows off the kind of photographs the Mapplethorpe would have shit because of the black and white colour and the way the subject of the image is positioned. If I were to improve this photograph I would change the background to be a blank canvas as most of Mapplethorpe's work was shot with a plain background.

I like this photograph because it also shows that it has influence from Mapplethorpe's photography through the use of black and white colours and the way the subject is positioned in the image.  . If I were to improve this photograph I would again change the background.

Overall, if I were to improve the entire shoot, I would vary my photographs because in all of mine, they basically look exactly the same and I would also try and portray Mapplethorpe's work more. These are some photographs that influenced me:

Thursday 4 December 2014

Location Contrast 2 - Work Diary

In this session we had to go around college and photograph contrast. I believe that I improved my photographs from the last location contrast shoot because I tried to use different composition and I had different ideas about things that could contrast. Although if I could improve this shoot I would have taken more photographs.

I like this photo because it shows contrast between the black shoes and the dull bench. The composition is done well in this photograph as it is using the rule of thirds which gives this image a dramatic effect. If I were to improve this image I would zoom out a bit because the subject of this image looks a bit cramped.

I like this photograph because it shows contrast between the path and the bright green grass. The composition is done well as the picture is split into two section which makes is look dynamic.  If I were to improve this photograph I would ensure that the grass is fuller, and the lines on the path are straighter.

Overall, if I were to improve this shoot I would would make the contrasts in the photography more obvious. I would also try and experiment with other ways to portray contrast as we were limited to thigs around college. Furthermore, I would also try to incorporate more colour into my contrast images because I believe that the use of brighter and bolder colours is a good way to show contrast. I took these photographs for inspiration:

Studio Contrast 2 - Work Diary

In this session we got to go into the studio and shoot contrast for the second time. I believe I improved on this shoot because I used a better background and also came up with new ideas how to show contrast. 

I like this photograph because it shows contrast through hair colour. The composition is done well because it is central which shows off the focal point of the image. The lighting in this photograph makes this picture look more dramatic and dynamic. If I were to improve this photograph, I would make the hair of the subject on the left get shown off more.

This is my favourite photograph of this shoot because it is quirky and unique. The composition of the photograph is also central which shows off the subjects better. The lighting is also good in this image and it is bright and dynamic. 

Overall, to improve this shoot I would have experimented with the coloured background more to make my work different. Furthermore, I would also try and experiment with more ideas of how to show contrast to make my photography work more interesting. These are some photographs that influenced me:

Studio Contrast 1 - Work Diary

In this session we got to go into the studio and photograph contrast. I found this task quite difficult as it was hard to think of ways people could contrast each other. Other than that, I found this shoot quite enjoyable because I enjoy going in the studio as it feels more professional. If I were to improve this sheet I would try and come up with more ideas of how to show contrast through people.

I like this photograph because it shows contrast in many different ways such as height, skin colour and the clothes they are wearing. I like the composition in this image because it is central and therefore shows off the focal point of the photograph. If I were to improve this image I would change the background because it clashes with the subjects.

 This is my favourite image from this shoot because it shows of contrast in many different ways such as height, gender and the colour of clothing. The composition of this image is done well because it is central and draws the viewers attention to the focal point of the image. The background colour compliments the subjects of the photograph which makes the image more pleasing to the eye.

Overall, to improve this shoot I would try and make the contrasts more obvious by using props or something. Also I would improve the sharpness of these images because they're slightly blurry. These are some photographs that influenced me: