Monday 29 September 2014

Research Log - Luke Stephenson

I chose Luke Stephenson's work because they are very simple yet quirky photographs. He uses formal elements such as color and lines in his work to emphasize the eccentricity of England. His work influences me because it shows that only one object in a photograph can make an effective photograph.
I like this picture because of the simplicity of it, the background goes with the focal point of the photograph and all the colours in the photograph compliment eachother.
The contrast between the background and the focal point of this picture makes the photograph look very dynamic, the image is very simple but it still is effective because of the formal elements used.
Formal elements are used well in this photograph, colour, lines and form are used which gives the image a more 3d effect.
I like these pictures because of how simple they are and how the background of these photographs compliment the birds in the photography. This image used a lot of formal elements such as line and colour.

Overall, I really like Luke Stephenson's work because of how he uses contrast between the subject of the image and the background.

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