Wednesday 24 September 2014

Formal Elements - Discussion

The use of formal elements in photography is very important because they are usually simple. In photography it is always important not to overcrowd a photograph, less is more, and using one, two and maybe even three formal elements in a photograph usually create a simple yet effective image.

The formal elements are line, colour, shape, form, texture and pattern. Each element has its own effect on a photograph. 

Out of all the formal elements it could be argued that line is the most important because without line there cannot be shape. The main purpose of line in a photograph is to guide the viewer to look at the focal point of the image, which could change their perspective and their mood on the image as a whole. There are a wide variety of lines as they can be long, short, wide, thin, wavy and straight. 
Each type of line generally creates a different perspective and changes the mood of the photograph.

Colour is also another very important formal element because it sets the mood of the image, for example, if a photograph was brightly coloured you could assume that the mood of the image would be happy and excited but if the colours of a photograph were dark and 
gloomy then it could be assumed that your image will be quite sad and depressing.

Shape is probably the second most important formal element because it give the objects in a photograph some identification. Although shape can also take on the form of a silhouette in photography, as long as the object can be identified by the viewer. 

In photography, form gives photographs a 3d effect, this is usually done through the use of shadows or reflection, the difference between the  lighting and the shadows determine how detailed the 3d effect is. Form is a very handy formal element because it shows of the depth of an object and exaggerates the focal point of the photograph.

Texture can give a photograph an exciting, emotion-filled composition because of how detailed the photograph is when the texture of an object is shown. The use of texture in photography can make a photograph seem more realistic and 3d.

Pattern in photography is very effective because it shows off detail in a photograph and can emphasize the size and colour and texture of a photograph. Patterns are also used in photography to attract the viewer to photographs as patterns are interesting, therefore a viewer of photography is more likely to look at it.  

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