Wednesday 24 September 2014

Form - Definition Post

Dictionary definition: The shape and structure of an object

  • 3D
  • Shadows
  • Dynamic
  • Heavy
  • Distorted
  • Dark
Form is shown in this photograph through the use of the reflections in the cutlery which give the image a 3d look. The black background contrasts very well with the shiny silver cutlery.

In this photograph, form is shown by shadows. The shadows aren't to obvious, but they still give the photograph a 3d look to in. The black and white effect enhances the shadows.

Both reflection and shadows are used to show form in this photograph which gives the image a 3d effect. The black and white edit enhances the shadows and reflections.

In this photograph, form is shown through shadows. Th effect of black and white makes the shadows stand out more which gives the photograph a more realistic 3d effect.

My own definition: Form is the idea that photographs look more 3d, usually through shadows and reflections.

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