Monday 29 September 2014

Research Log - Adam Burton

I chose Adam Burton's photography because it has almost all of the formal elements in his photographs. His photographs show depth because they are landscape photographs, but they also show off form, color and lines which is a key part of the formal elements. I find his work appealing because it is very attractive and pretty to look at. Adam Burton's photography has influenced me because it uses basically all of the formal elements in a way that doesn't over complicate or make his photographs look bad.

I like this photograph because of the colour, it is very dynamic and it attracts the viewer to the photograph more, there are multiple formal elements used in this photograph such as lines, colour, depth and form.

The depth in this photograph is what stands out the most, that is why I like this photograph. The colours also compliment the photograph which draws attention to the viewer. Again, many formal elements are used in this photograph.
The use of reflection in this photograph makes it stand out. The colours in the photograph compliment eachother which makes the image more appealing to the viewer.
The dept in this photograph makes the image look more dynamic. I like this photograph because it looks mysterious. The formal elements in this photograph such as lines, colour, depth and form make this photograph look more 3d.

Overall I really enjoy Adam Burton's work because it is very influential and original and even though there are many landscape photographs, Burton stands out the most.

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