Wednesday 24 September 2014

Form - Work Diary

I'm In this session we had to go around college and photograph form. I took pictures of a range of objects, such and plants, buildings and walls. I found this task quite easy because the weather was nice and therefore there were shadows everywhere, which is a key element of the theme of form.  After taking the form pictures, we had to edit them using Photoshop. To edit the selected images, we changed the curves and levels to make out photographs look bold and bright with a better contrast. 

In my opinion this is my favorite photograph because of the was form is shown. The shadow of the bench is very clear which gives the image a 3d effect. The bright colours of the photograph also show off the shadow more because of the contrast between the dark shadows and the bright colours of the photograph.  I also really like the background because it makes the photograph look more realistic and the colours also make the focal point of this image stand out more because the background colours are very plain compared to the bench.

I also really enjoy this photograph because of the shadows used, as they show form. The colour in this photograph is very bold which makes it stand out, even though the colours are plain the focal point of the image, in this case being the flower bed stands out because of the bright white and green colours compared to the background. Furthermore, the use of pattern in this image draws the viewers eyes to the focal point.

If I were to go and shoot forms again I would maybe experiment with what I took photographs of, for example, I would photograph a person with the use of shadows and reflections to give them a more 3d effect. I would also experiment with reflection more and most of my photographs were took with the use of shadows, these are some pictures with the theme of form which I am inspired by.

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