Friday 12 September 2014

Lines - Definition Post

Dictionary Definition: a narrow continuous mark, as one made by a pencil, pen, or brush across a surface.


  • Straight
  • Long
  • Short
  • Curvy
  • Parallel
  • Continuous 
  • Wavy
  • Diagonal
  • Converging
  • Flowing
  • Bold

In this photograph, there are both vertical and diagonal lines. The contrast of both the colour and the different angled lines, makes the picture stand out as it is bolder and more dynamic.

 In this photograph, there are both diagonal and horizontal lines. The use of reflection to show of the lines is very effective because diagonal lines lead the viewer to look directly at the subject of the photograph.
 In this photograph, there are curved lines and converging lines. The curved lines in this photograph gives the image depth and perspective, and the converging lines give the photograph a point of interest.
In this photograph,there are diagonal and vertical lines. The simple vertical lines give the photograph the effect of an infinite line and the use of the rule of thirds makes the photograph well-balanced.

My own definition of a line: A line is a length made up of a long and slim mark.

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