Wednesday 17 September 2014

Colour - Work Diary

In the second session, we had to photograph colour. I found this somewhat easy, although there wasn't much colour around college to photograph, with the exception of buildings and flowers. I tried to make the lighting and composition look as good as possible with the use of natural lighting and compositional rules. After the photographs were taken, we had to edit them, I done this by changing the levels and adjusting the curves to make the photographs look more bold and brighter.

I believe that this is my best photograph, I like this photograph because of the contrast of colours, the yellow and the grey go well together and the contrast of yellow to grey looks very effective. The composition or thirds is used which gives this photograph a more interesting and dynamic effect. I also like the patterns that you can see in this photograph as it makes the image look more realistic and edgy.

I really like this photograph because of the many formal elements it uses, especially colour. The colour in this image is very obvious as it covers up almost the entire photograph. Other formal element such as lines are used in this photograph which are effective because they show of the use of colour even more as the lines are a border of the different colours. There is also slight converging lines in this photograph which is effective because it gives the image a 3d looking effect.

If I were to go out and shoot colour again, I would like to be able to go to somewhere with more colour, as the grounds of the college are not very colourful. I would also experiment with composition more as most of my pictures are either using the rule of thirds or they are just central. Also to improve my color photographs I would make sure it was a bright day as some of my pictures did come out a bit dark because of the weather. These are some pictures I like with the theme of colour which inspire me to do some work like theirs.

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