Monday 22 September 2014

Depth - Work Diary

In this session we had to photography depth around the college, I found this a bit difficult because at the beginning of taking depth pictures, I wasn't to sure what it meant, and when I did find out I found it difficult to shoot some pictures that showed depth because the sun wasn't out, therefore, shadows couldn't be used to show depth. After taking the depth pictures, we had to edit them using Photoshop. To edit the selected images, we changed the curves and levels to make out photographs look bold and bright with a better contrast.

I like this photograph the best because the use of reflections and converging lines show a lot of depth in the photograph. The central composition shows off the depth more because it makes out to the viewer that they are looking down a slide. The reflections and shadows give the image a more 3d effect. If I could improve this photograph I would make sure you couldn't see the reflection of me taking the photograph. 

I like this photograph because of the use of depth. Depth is portrayed in this photograph through the use of converging lines in the path. I also like the contrast of the green background and the plain because it enhances the look of depth. There is also a good use of patterns in this photograph from the path to the grass to the bushes in the background. The patterns give this photograph more detail which makes it stand out.

If I were to go outside and shoot again, I would ensure the sun was out so the effect of shadows could show of more depth. I would also try and create depth using something other than converging lines as I find that easiest to photograph, but I would experiment more with the composition. I would also try and experiment with colour and it creates depth in more detail and it makes photographs more pleasing to the eye. These are some photographs I found that inspire me to take better depth photographs:

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