Monday 22 September 2014

Patterns - Definition Post

Dictionary Definition: A repeated decorative design

  • Repetitive
  • Tartan
  • Polka dot
  • Stripey
  • Flowery
  • Checked
  • Regular
  • Swirly
  • Tiered
  • Checkered
In this photograph, patterns have been used using the rule of three. The shadows in the image gives in a more 3d effect.

In the photograph the patterns is in the composition rule of diagonals. The shadows in the image give it a 3d effect.

In this image there isn't really any composition rules. The repeated mangoes are effective because it draws the viewers eye to the whole picture.

In this image, the pattern shows off the different colours in contrast of the background.

My own definition: Patterns are a repeated design or object in a photograph.

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