Friday 12 September 2014

Lines - Work Diary

In my first session we had to go around college and take pictures of  lines. I found this quite easy because there were many lines around college, for example, on the floor, on the buildings and on clothing. As I done photography as a GCSE subject I knew that a had to make sure the lighting was bright enough and that the composition was effective. After we took the photographs we had to edit them; we changes the levels and edited the curves to make the photographs look bolder and brighter.

I believe that this was my best photograph, I like this photograph because it shows the lines in the wall and the lines of the window. I used the 'rule of thirds' composition because it  looks more effective and shows off the lines more. I believe the shadow gives this photograph a good effect because it makes the photography look more 3d.

This is another photograph that I really enjoy, I like this photograph because it shows of lines very well, horizontal and vertical. I used off-centre composition because it shows off the lines more. The shadows in the image give it some depth which looks very effective at it makes the photograph have a 3d effect. I also like the colours in this photograph because I think that although they are quite dull colours, the contrast in the shiny silver and the plain yellow wall make the focal point of the image stand out.

If I were to go and take pictures of lines again I would defiantly change the compositions to make sure that the theme of lines is showed off more, for example the composition of converging lines makes a photograph look more 3d, as shown in the photograph below. Another example of composition in lines is the use of diagonals which also makes the photograph more 3d and gives the photograph and increases the impact of the image. In this photograph the use of diagonal lines has a dramatic effect on the picture as it makes it look more dynamic. The rule of thirds is a very effective composition as it adds balance an interest to the photograph. I would also improve on the lighting if I were to photograph lines again. Shadows are good to photograph and they reveal texture, form and can also direct the attention to the focal point of the photograph.

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