Monday 13 October 2014

Research Log - Ross Hoddinott

I chose Ross Hoddinott's photography because it uses a wide range of formal elements, for example colour and depth. Hoddinott photographs nature and landscape, I find his work appealing because it uses bright and bold colours and the images are usually very simplistic so they are pleasing to look at. His work really influences me because of how he uses bright colour really well and his composition is very effective.
I like this photograph because of the contrast in colour and the simplicity of the image makes it pleasing to the viewer. The different between the white, light background compared to the bird, makes this photograph stand out.

The contrast in this image makes it stand out because of the different between the bright yellow flower and the metallic green coloured beetle. The patterns in this photograph also make it stand out because although this image is very simple, it attracts the viewers attention because of all the formal element used.

This landscape picture is my favorite out of all Hoddinott's work because of the use of colour. The background of the image is a pretty blue/purple colour which makes the photograph stand out whilst the foreground, which almost looks like a silhouette contrasts with the colours of the background.

I like this image because of the depth, the focal point of this image is very clear and central whilst the background, although you can still see it, is more blurred. 

Overall, I really enjoy Ross Hoddinott's work because it is very unique and he used the formal elements very well in his work.

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