Thursday 16 October 2014

Portraiture - Image Bank

Portraiture is the photography of a person. It is usually just there face but sometimes, there whole body and a background can be included. Lighting is a very important aspect of portraiture as it shows off a persons features and gives them a 3d effect. Portraiture is used for a number of reasons in photography, from fashion work to street photography.

This portrait is in black and white; this shows off tone which makes the image look more realistic.

This is a very creative way to show off portraiture as there are two people in this photograph. 

Depth is shown in this portrait because of the blurred background, this ensures that the make focal point of this image is the girl.

Reflection is shown is this image, this is a very creative way to photograph portraiture because it is abstract and unique.

In this portrait, detail is shown very well; this is because the photograph is in black and white, which shows off tone more.

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