Monday 12 January 2015

Final Project Evaluation

I really enjoyed this project as a whole because I've learnt a lot about photography over the past couple of months, for example, the formal elements and how to use them in photography to make pictures better.
My favourite part of this unit was shooting in the studio because it feels more professional and it it really enjoyable because the photographs tend to come out better.
Another thing I really enjoyed about this unit is the walks we did because it was good to photograph somewhere that we had never photographed before as apposed to around the college like we usually do.
One thing I didn't enjoy about this unit was the repetitive contextual work we had to do because I much prefer going out and shooting instead of being on a computer, writing.
If I were to redo this unit I would ensure to get all my practical work done on time because I left it to the last minute and had to do it in a rush. Another thing I would improve on is to always remember the formal elements when photographing.
Overall I have enjoyed this unit a lot because I believe I have learnt a lot and it is a really fun subject. 

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